Still Can't Fall is a song about longing.
Night time brings a different perspective on ordinary things.
The idea for the song came to me while out on a stroll one sleepless night.
I'm pretty familiar with insomnia; I've found walking to be most effective for calming me down.
Overlooking Asheville, North Carolina.
Ironically, I have difficulty sleeping when I'm incredibly exhausted. If I'm not careful to retire at my self appointed bed time, my thoughts can get the better of my tired mind.
While lying awake, the hopeless romantic in me can go a little unchecked. It's natural to wonder about who we want to love, and who we want to love us in return, but to focus on what we don't have is to disregard what we do have.
Romantically speaking, when feeling lonely, it can certainly seem like your "other half" only exists in your dreams. This thought is the inspiration for the song.
Sitting with a ghost.
I wanted to create a character that embodied a dreamlike lover. Nori is singing about how she wants to fall asleep so as to be with her significant other, whom she only meets in her dreams.
Nori's voice occasionally "short circuits" giving the impression that the character isn't real, despite how honest the vocals sound. The effect is pretty close to how my thoughts feel.
Dinner for two.
A lot of the decoration used in the ambiance are sounds that, funnily enough, help me sleep: rain, radio static, vinyl crackle, and a movie projector.
Relaxing sounds in a song about insomnia is like feeling tired yet unable to close your eyes.
My friend Sam and her viola.
Getting in the mood to work on this song forced me to examine my weakness in my present singleness - a state I'm comfortable being in, but feelings, at times, can be at odds with meditated thoughts. The song needed to have an alluring quality, after all.
If there's anything working on this song taught me, besides learning how to use my synthesizers better, it's that by focusing on the positives when I'm awake reduces the negatives when it's time for sleep. That, and maybe still taking a walk.
Late night editing session.
I hope a little bit of my sleeplessness came through to you on the song. This certainly was one of the more difficult tracks to complete on the EP.
As always, thanks for sticking around.
If you haven't heard the "From Your Window" EP yet, you can stream the full thing on either Spotify or Soundcloud.
If you want to own the EP on vinyl, you can pick up a copy at Fent Plates here.
For my next entry, I'll be going over the title track from the EP, "From Your Window."
Hoping for rain.
Self portrait.
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