This song is about an ironically pleasant dream.
The idea for the song came to me on a rather dramatic bout of snow here in Atlanta, Georgia. You may have heard of it, we called it the "Snowpocalypse."
Believe me though, I was stoked to see snow.
We don't get snow too often, so when it does happen, it's inspiring — well, to me at least, some might say it's a nuisance.
You see, when it snows, you don't really hear any cars, or people, or birds, or insects, or leaves rustling, or much of anything except your own breath and the crunch of the snow underfoot. It's easy to just let your thoughts wander, which is how I wanted the song to flow.
My favorite spot to think, now even more quiet.
This song is a direct sequel from "Still Can't Fall," which is about wanting to be able to dream. "From Your Window" is the dream itself.
Concept art sketched by Nori.
In this dream, Nori's character is singing about being led through the snow by these "letters" that her loved one is writing from a window. In this case, our character is perhaps just wandering in circles and likely to freeze to death, but she would rather be nowhere else, as this is the closest she can get to her lover.
Dreams can be kind of funny. You can be in unfavorable environments or situations yet still feel overjoyed. I know, for me, I have a reoccurring pattern in my dreams where someone steals or breaks my stuff and I find myself at peace about it — but I digress.
Photo of a friend, pioneering the elements.
The instruments here are separate from the others on the EP; there is an acoustic guitar and a flute.
Practice room.
It took lots of editing to get the flute to sit right. It was sampled from an old, dusty jazz record where it only played 2 notes. The melody was done with pitch shifting, subtle tweaks around the high frequencies and expressive volume fades.
Shoutouts to Ableton for being an amazing program.
The textures are intended to be reminiscent of winter. Things like glass (which resembles ice), crunchy paper (snow), and the flute, which brings an element of wind.
I wanted the song to end the same way it began, with a fade. We tend to wake slowly from pleasant dreams as we try to prolong them.
Sampling snowy ambiance.
In hindsight, I would have made an instrumental track in this mood to accompany this song either directly before or after it on the EP so as to more gradually ease the listener into this vibe. It's a concept to take with me into the next body of work I do.
Regardless, I hope this song took you to a chilled, dreamy place like the one I experienced those few, but wondrous snow days here in Georgia.
A rare, but beautiful sight down the street from my home.
As always, thanks for dropping by and reading.
If you haven't heard the "From Your Window" EP yet, you can stream the full thing on either Spotify or Soundcloud.
If you want to own the EP on vinyl, you can pick up a copy at Fent Plates here.
For my next entry I'll be going over track 3 on the EP: "Dream Journal."
Cozy interiors.
Self portrait.
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